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Where we source our Coffees from?
Araku region in Andhra Pradesh.
We source directly from the small and marginal tribal farmers, who are mostly from the villages of the South-West part of Araku coffee growing belt. The first hand experience of working at the field level directly with the farmers enabled us to identify the active farmers of this region and procure the best this region has to offer.
Though not a farmer myself, I have the privilege of witnessing all the stages of coffee directly right from its blossoms and till it delights the end consumer.
What we believe in...
We believe everyone involved in the Coffee chain deserves the best – fair price for the farmer, work satisfaction and decent margins for the roaster and desired coffee at value for money for the end consumer.

How we started...
To be honest, nothing was planned. Back then I visited the tribal villages on some other work but fell in love with the people, nature and hills so badly that I started assisting them on various aspects voluntarily.
Training them on better practices at farm level, harvesting & post-harvesting, direct linkage with the markets, introduction of new crops, coordinating with various government departments to get their pleas resolved (roads, check dams, medical camps, training programs, buildings), etc ..,.
During this all, I came across the coffee cultivation in this region and the depth of the subject made me fall in love with it. Started as a green bean trader, slowly took to the next step of selling roasted coffees by getting our coffees roasted with an experienced roaster in Bengaluru, started our own roasting in 2020 and here we are with a good fan base for our coffees.

Where are we headed...
Coffee never stopped amusing us with its potentiality. That single tiny little bean has packed in it so much that it's given us ways to invent / discover / explore various ways and means to bring out the best it has to offer.
From time to time we have been increasing our skills towards the same. Hopefully very soon we will be able to get that little recognition from the coffee lovers with the help of distinct coffees we will be rolling out in regular intervals.

Lets Kauphy
Vijayawada, Andhra Pradesh
For us all things related to coffee are fun, love and straight from the heart. We roast our coffees using a Hot Air Fluid Bed Mechanism in place of the traditional drum roasting process and this plays a vital role in the final cup profile our coffees carry with them. We are so glad that around 85% of the orders we receive are roasted only after receiving the order and optimistic that very soon we will reach 100 %.