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Where we source our Coffees from?
Our community consists of 396 coffee growers (as of 2018).
4 of our growers and the earliest adopters our biodiversity-friendly farming practices (circa 2013) manage more organised plantations in Kodagu, Karnataka. Decades of knowledge on coffee cultivation inspire us to draw insights for those growers who have come on board more recently.
392 of our partner producers grow coffee in the BR Hills region of Karnataka. Coffee grown here is devoid of any chemical fertiliser or pesticide. This region is also where we focus our grassroots involvement.
What we believe in...
We belive in really good coffee. Good for the forest it comes from, good for the people who grow it. Good for the trees we help conserve and the wildlife that it supports. And just as good to drink. These are the cornerstones of Black Baza Coffee Co.

How we started...
The idea of Black Baza Coffee did not come from us at all. It came from coffee growers themselves and it was the idea of creating a local, participatory and meaningful movement for coffee - starting with India and hopefully elsewhere as well. The idea of Black Baza Coffee holds within it a want for an alternative - a production and market system which values producers and nature equally.

Where are we headed...
Our purpose is to enable coffee producers to enjoy secure and stable livelihoods and strengthen coffee farming practices that conserve biodiversity. We invite coffee drinkers to participate in the process.

Black Baza Coffee
Bengaluru, Karnataka
Black Baza Coffee is aimed at bringing back value for producers and biodiversity.